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Signs of Spinal Injuries After a Car Accident

Did you know? South Florida is one of the nation’s most dangerous regions when it comes to car accidents. Even if you are a safe driver, you can’t always protect yourself from the reckless and negligent drivers around you. In fact, car accidents are the most common form of personal injury cases. If you involved in a car accident, there’s a good chance that the accident was caused, at least in part, by someone else’s negligence.

Car accidents can happen any time, even on the routes you know best. And the results can be devastating. According to SpinalCord.com, car accidents are the leading cause of spinal injuries. As a driver in one of the busiest section of roadways in the country, you’re at a high risk of spinal injuries. It’s essential to know the telltale signs of spinal injury so that in the event of a car accident, you can save yourself the risk of further complications.

Timing is Everything

It’s common knowledge that spinal injuries can lead to serious long-term damage, but many people are unaware that spinal injuries might not be obvious right away. According to The Mayo Clinic, timing is everything when it comes to determining the extent and severity of spinal complications. The faster you seek treatment after a spinal injury, the better your chances are of recovering. The Mayo Clinic goes on to warn that if spinal injuries are left untreated they can result in even worse injuries and complications. If you’ve been in a car accident – even if you think you’re uninjured – you should get a spinal examination immediately.

Understand the Signs and Symptoms of Spinal Injuries

Remember that even if you have a medical examination after an accident, your spinal injuries might go undetected at first. In the aftermath of a car accident, it’s critical to be aware of your continued risk and monitor the signs of a possible spinal injury. The most serious kinds of spinal injury can be detected by:

  • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
  • Numbness or pins and needles to the arms, legs, hands or feet
  • Paralysis
  • Blood in the urine

If you or a loved one are experiencing any of those symptoms you should seek medical attention immediately! Additionally, Health Direct points out that common symptoms of less severe, but still serious spinal injury include:

  • Pain, soreness, or tenderness
  • Pain that worsens with movement, coughing, sneezing or laughing
  • Stiffness or difficulty moving
  • Difficulty standing up straight
  • Muscle spasm on either side of the spine
  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • Pain that radiates down one or both legs

Get Justice for Your Spinal Injury

In addition to being devastating to your physical health, spinal injuries can affect your wellbeing in many other areas – including your mental and emotional health, your family life, your social life, your professional opportunities, and more. When you have a spinal injury, you could be facing medical bills in the thousands, if not millions of dollars. If you think you might be the victim of spinal injuries in Boca Raton, FL due to someone else’s negligence, you could be legally entitled to significant compensation. The Law Offices of Jeffrey A. Rosenberg is here to help! Get started today by calling (561) 508-8800 or messaging us online.


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